Hello Dear Loyal Friends! HOW ARE WE DOING? PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO GIVE US A REVIEW. By doing so, you are giving us the greatest gift and support that our small business needs during these challenging times. The star in our FashionWear logo represents you, our VIP client. We want you to know that we will continue to treat you as a star because your satisfaction is extremely important to us. This is our commitment to YOU! We are well aware that you have busy schedules juggling work, family and other commitments. When you stop and take time for yourself to shop with us, we take nothing for granted and we sincerely value your precious time. CLICK HERE TO REVIEW FOR FW MONTREAL CLICK HERE TO REVIEW FOR FW TORONTO *If you dont have a Google account-NO PROBLEM...SEND US YOUR REVIEW VIA EMAIL fashionwearcanada@hotmail.com